
Rubies have long been prized for their durability, dazzling red colouring and ability to refract light. They are revered the world over and were traded along the North Silk road of China as far back as 200BC.

Rubies, like sapphires, are composed of the corundum mineral and are a 9 on the MOH’s scale. They are second in hardness only to diamonds, meaning they can be passed on through generations while retaining their integrity. They have therefore long been a chosen for ceremonial occasions, heirloom pieces and royal adornments.


Ruby adornments date as far back as jewellery itself. The ancient Indian subcontinent was fascinated by the gemstone with texts referencing rubies in ceremony and everyday life. Classical Greece attributed astrological powers and healing properties to the gemstone.  While later during the Renaissance period, ruby pieces were common, often displaying classical motifs and mythical creatures. Today Rubies remain a highly valued prized gemstone found in contemporary pieces of all styles and cultures.

Pictured ~ A Renaissance gold and enamel ring set featuring a cut ruby. From Western Europe, dated to the second half of the 16th century.

Pictured ~ To the left, a partly enamelled ferrit pendant in Gold set with rubies, diamonds & pearls. Attributed to Northern Europe, during the 16th century. Below ~ A pendant of a Siren featuring a baroque pearl with enamelled gold mounts set with rubies. Discovered in Europe, dating to around ca. 1860.


The famous red ruby colouring is a result of the gemstones natural mineral environment. Deep beneath the earth and under extremely high pressure, Aluminium Oxide bonds with Oxygen atoms over a period of 20 – 30 million years. Depending on the concentration of minerals in it’s growth environment, the colour of a ruby can range from a pale rose to a deep crimson red. While traditionally those deeper in tone are considered more valuable, every stone holds it’s own unique properties and ultimately beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Below is an example of some of the wide variety of ruby colouring.

Raw Rubies

Raw rubies refer to the gemstone in their natural organic state. They are uncut and untreated. Each raw stone holds its own unique properties – the shape and size of each is completely unique to its natural formation.

Ruby Gallery