Tom & Sean

Where was your first date?

We went to Veggie Bar in Fitzroy then just hung out in the city. After that I dropped her back at her parents house and ended up staying the night on the couch.

T - Very, very early on. Probably too embarrassing to say exactly how early on. She absolutely blew me away from the very beginning and kept blowing me away year after year.

S - There wasn’t an exact moment, just a realisation early on that every time I thought about the future Tom was there. I couldn’t imagine a situation where I wouldn’t want him with me.

When did you realise that you wanted to marry this person?

What is the biggest thing you have learnt from your partner?

S - Probably how to have confidence in myself, his kindness and love has become the nice voice in my head every time the nasty one pops in for a visit. I can thank Tom for banishing so much negative self-talk.

T - How to listen and communicate better. Being with Sean has made me into a person I’m really proud of. Being in a relationship with someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with gives you no other choice but to be the absolute best version of yourself for that person, everyday. So I’m always trying to be better and improve in all aspects of life and Sean is the sole catalyst of that.

If your partner was a type of food, what would they be and why?

T - Sean would be a Nashi pear. I always get so excited to see them when they’re in season and they my favourite fruit of all time, and always will be.

S -Tom would be a chilli hot chocolate, very sweet and comforting and exactly what I always need, plus a spicy wit and sense of humour.

Can you tell us a bit about the journey of collaborating on a bespoke ring?

T - The collaboration with Alice was seamless and so easy. Her wealth of knowledge helped me so much when deciding exactly what I wanted Sean’s ring to be. I started off with much grander designs but after talking with Alice and truly thinking what would suit Sean best I ended up going with a much simpler design with the salt and pepper diamond. The journey was a bit of a wild one because the stone was coming from overseas and as soon as I made a decision the country went into lockdown so it was a little bit of a waiting game in the beginning. Once the stone had come I was able to go meet with Alice and I knew I had chosen the perfect jeweller right at the first meeting. I think we spoke for nearly an hour before actually getting to the ring!